Meet Our Team!

Mathilde Durousseau


Hi! I’m Mathilde, a third-year European Politics student at King’s College London. I’m the President of the Policy Research Centre and editor of its European Affairs Centre - I just really enjoy studying and writing about EU policy. It’s been great working with researchers from different backgrounds, sharing ideas, confronting perspectives, and learning from each other along the way!

James Lee


Greetings! I'm a second-year Politics student and the Policy Research Centre has truly been such an enriching experience, being able to work with people outside of my own discipline and learning from others. Other than writing for the Public Health Centre, I also have the honour of organising the publication of the King's Policy Journal along with my fellow committee members. I look forward to continue reading everyone's great work and meeting everyone individually! 

Anya Kapoor



Niamh Goodwin


As a third year Global Health and Social Medicine student, being the economic policy centre editor has been an amazing opportunity to broaden on my usual study domain. It’s been really rewarding to connect with talented authors and help curate insightful articles through a collaborative editing process.

Sara Okada

Communications Officer


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